“KARAKANAS” Dairy implements a unified Quality Management and Safety System for its products, according to the standards: ISO 22000: 2005
Our company, wanting to always be first in the choices and preferences of customers and the market, is committed to always provide reliable products that fully meet their needs and requirements, while respecting and non-compliance with existing legislation, primarily in matters of Food Safety and of Consumers, in matters of Quality, and Employee Safety.
For this purpose, the procedures have been established in the company and the standards are observed, within the framework of which the Management of the company undertakes that:
– constantly monitors and harmonizes with national and Community legislation
– organizes and staffs the company with selected and trained staff and with appropriate external partners
– sets annual targets for the Quality and Safety of its products
– strives to maintain and increase market share and financial results of the company, through development, investment and design of new products
– identifies the basic production processes – quality – safety for the products it manufactures
– regularly and extensively monitors the implementation and effectiveness of the Safety and Quality Management System
– provides all the necessary resources for the smooth, smooth and efficient operation, troubleshooting and prevention of new ones
– ensures effective communication with external actors – customers, suppliers, public authorities, partners, aiming at the safety and quality of products
– takes care of an excellent and safe working environment for the company’s staff
Evaluates, promotes and rewards the improvement proposals submitted
Our consistency in maintaining high and safe quality is the cornerstone of our success and our commitment to the future.
“HELLA-DIKA MAS” is the mark with which Greek-owned companies are certified, which produce Greek consumer products which are present on the shelves of the Greek Retail Trade, are based in Greece and employ Greek workers contributing, thus , in strengthening the Greek economy. The mark clarifies with measurable and objective criteria the Greekness of the company and the product, offering the correct knowledge to the consumer. Certification body of the mark “HELLA-DIKA MAS” is “EUROCERT European Company of Audits and Certifications SA”.